A session dedicated to present results from the SmartCow project will be organized during the EAAP2021 conference in Davos.
The number, title and the description of the session are :
Session 44 : Methods and technologies for research and smart nutrition management in dairy and beef cattle
The SmartCow infrastructure project integrates and provides access to key European cattle research infrastructures, to promote their coordinated use and development and thereby help the European cattle sector face the challenge of sustainable production. The refinement of research methods to optimize precision and accuracy while preserving animal welfare is a key priority of SmartCow. The session will present and discuss methodological and experimental contributions in the fields of cattle nutrition, behaviour, and methane emissions.
The call for abstracts for EAAP 2021 is now open until March 1st : https://www.eaap2021.org/registration and then go to the OASES system from WAP.
We encourage all of you to discuss with the task and WP leaders and submit a contribution to this session. The session is also open to the TNA beneficiaries. All proposals must be submitted in an abstract of the same format (2500 characters). When you go to the submission page, you have to register and then you have access to the list of the sessions. Please choose Session n°44 and indicate your preference between oral or poster presentation. Depending on the time available for the session (half a day), the number and interest of the proposals received we will distribute them between oral and poster presentations.
According to the SmartCow code of publication I remind you that publications have to be first submitted in the sharepoint for internal review process. As the deadline is short we ask you to submit your abstracts on the sharepoint for February 22nd.
For further information please contact the ccordinator René Baumont (rene.baumont@inrae.fr).