Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries
General information
Research Facility/installation:
Farm type:
Stakeholder type:
Primary Contact Person:
Site characteristics
Total land (ha):
Grazing land (ha):
Grazing season length (days):
Number of dairy cows:
Dairy cow breed:
Number of suckler cows:
Suckler cow breed:
Number of steers:
Steer breed:
Research equipment
Individual feed intake facility:
Metabolism facility:
Greenhouse gas measurement:
Digestion facilities:
Grazing studies equipment:
Behavioural monitoring:
Ethical aspects
Animal Welfare body:
Licence to perform experiments:
Name of the ethical licence body:
Laboratory facilities
Capacity to process blood sample:
Capacity to process meat sample:
Capacity to process milk sample:
Capacity to process digestive system sample:
Capacity to process calorimeter/metabolism sample:
Capacity to process diet/feed sample:
Capacity to process DMI sample: