A joint event ATF – Fitter Livestock Farming PG will be held on 6th November afternoon in Brussels during the 2019 Animal Task Force annual meeting.
The workshop “What R&I can deliver to support climate mitigation and adaptation in livestock farming” will bring together animal scientists with livestock professionals and advisors, as well as researchers, non-profit & societal organisations and industry representatives, to discuss sustainable
use of resources, preservation of biodiversity, livestock gene bank collections and improvement of soil quality in the livestock sector.
SmartCow project will partecipate with other 5 European projects.
The workshop is free, but registration is mandatory!
For more information and registration visit the dedicated webpage.
The following material is now available on the Animal Task Force’s website:
- Presentations: https://bit.ly/2KG7ciX
- Video Projects’ presentations: https://bit.ly/2tMSJfE
- Video Interviews: https://bit.ly/34QmU2l
- Press release at: https://bit.ly/2Mg8pyj