SmartCow partners will organise national workshops on their research infrastructures’ premises. A national workshop, and visit of INRAE herbivores research and experimentation facilities, will be held in Clermont -Ferrand, France on 7th October 2021 in the framework of the Sommet de l’Elevage agricultural fair.
For more details and the programme read the flyer. To register please visit the dedicated webpage.
Aims of the national stakeholders workshops:
- Provide information on SmartCow, updates on progress, outcomes, results, methodologies, research infrastructures facilities
- Collect feedback on the research priorities of TNA calls, trainings and study tours to ensure they are adapted to their needs
- Get support from Stakeholders in dissemination in their network/teams (via Newsletter, Twitter, FB, Linkedin, website)
- Foster direct participation from stakeholders in Transnational Access calls (TNA), trainings: physical (on RIs) & on-line (no tuition fees), study tours
European stakeholders are welcome to all national workshops!
For further information please contact Florence Macherez: